- Project Name: Consultancy Services for “Rising for Rights for Strengthening Civil Society Network in South Asia to Achieve SDG 6
In Bangladesh, urban migration is rising rapidly, with 31.5% of the population now living in cities, a 50% increase in the last decade. Despite improvements in sanitation and hygiene, less than 30% of the households’ faecal waste is safely managed. As the country strives to meet the SDG 6 target by 2030, prioritizing sanitation is crucial. The government, along with development partners, is promoting Safely Managed Sanitation Systems (SMSS) through the City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) approach, with a focus on improving policy, climate resilience, and equity.
As part of the advocacy network covering the South-Asian countries, FANSA-Bangladesh focuses on SMSS in the city areas with the promotion of City-wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) by the service providers under the project Rising for Rights for Strengthening Civil Society Networks in South Asia to Achieve SDG 6 Project (hereinafter Rising for the Rights Project). The project includes services for creating Shit (Fecal waste) Flow Diagrams (SFD) and CWIS Action plans for targeted areas that include one City Corporation – Barishal, two municipalities – Gaibandha and Sreemangal, and one union – Muktinagar, Gaibandha. The project also includes developing an evidence-based Advocacy Strategy and an Implementation Guideline for FANSA-Bangladesh to effectively promote CWIS. Successful implementation of Rising for the Rights project will contribute to strengthening civil society networks in South Asia to achieve SDG 6.
SKS Foundation (FANSA-BD Secretariat) entered into an agreement with the Center for Smart Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability (CSIRS) of the United International University (UIU) for conducting the above-mentioned studies under Rising for the Rights Project.